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French Standard Poodles
French Poodles from the Languedoc, South of France


Owner contact names and details given only with explicit permission.



Joy's Second Litter, Spring 2009

Joy gave birth to eleven puppies in April 2009. They all enjoyed robust good health and joyful and affectionate natures. We kept one (Esther Theodocia). The other 10 went to their new homes in the first two weeks of July. The following are testimonials from their new owners.



From Marie & Clive, France, owners of Rasta (Kennel name Ethelread Atilla)

I think Rasta could take some lessons from Esther regarding the sea - we still haven't managed to get him in as there have always been some waves and he thinks they're chasing him! The Mediterranean here is possible a bit rougher than your bit. But he's fine in streams, so we are waiting for the winter rains to fill up the local streams so that he can do more swimming.

We continue to be amazed at how good Rasta is in all social situations, and how quickly he works out what he should be doing to fit in - we wish that we'd had standard poodles a long time ago! He has a firm friend in our son's 2 year-old golden retriever, and they spend a lot of time play-wrestling, which gives them both a lot of exercise.

I've attached some photos taken between the 8th of August and the 27th of August to show you his progress. He's a bit of a flower child - always rummaging around in the plumbago bush looking for his ball, and getting covered in sticky flowers.... He now weighs 23 kilos and is about 62 cms.

Best regards

Marie & Clive, September 2009




P and C, Washington DC, USA, owners of Porter (Kennel name Empedocles Peter) and of Bacchus from an earlier litter.

... Piere, now officially Porter, rode in the car like a champ, all the way home. He slept the entire way, on our laps, and didn't cry or peep. We couldn't believe it. Bacchus was a bit distant in the car, as he is so use to stretching out, but as soon as we got home they began to midnight!  They settled down after a little while, and he slept through the night.

This morning we went for a nice walk, he had his first bath, and his first brushing. He was a gem, again, not a peep or struggle.  His hair is very soft, and lovely. He had no mats or anything. It was easy!!!    He is sleeping under my chair as I type this, very peaceful.   I think he is pretty happy.  (I had to give up trying to clean the house this morning because he loved the broom....kept jumping on it)

So far so good!  Thanks for giving us another lovely pup. He is a good boy, with a great personality.  He really loves Bacchus. He won't leave him be for a second, and follows him everywhere. Bacchus has already taught him a few things. It is a lot of fun to watch them interact.

We will take great care of him, and I will send pics and updates.

P and C, Washington DC, USA, July 2009



Mr and Mrs Gabb, owners of Attilla (Kennel name Ethelread Atilla)

Pics as promised, both before and after the haircut.  He behaved very well while getting the trim, and when we took him to meet a friend in a local cafe he sat under the table and went to sleep.  Very well-adjusted, and seems to take all new experiences in his stride (except for the sea!).  He still seems to think that the cat wants to play with him, not realising that all the cat wants is his food!  He's basically a joy to have around.

We'll keep you posted with new developments ... , he's a very well-bred dog!

Mr and Mrs Gabb, Spain, July 2009



A, owner of Bella ( Kennel name Eloise Fara)

3 dry and clean nights - and sleeping from 12 - 7 am!! Magic!!

Here are a couple of pics showing how Bella instigates the games - and wins!!

A x, France, July 2009




M and L Saunders, Owners of Remy (kennel name Ethan Joseph)

[Travelling back to Canada] The journey went very well.  The Lufthanza people in Paris were very good.  ....  He had a good drink and a snack before he departed, and he had a bit of food and his pig ears with him, along with his water dish.  There were some stressful moments when our flight from Paris to Frankfurt was delayed by an hour, and we didn't know if we would all make the connecting flight.  At the gate in Frankfurt we told the flight attendants that we would not get on the plane until they confirmed the dog was on too.  They were very nice, and once he was on, the message was relayed to us, and we were the last passengers to board.  When we arrived in Vancouver, there he was, right where he was supposed to be.  We took him out of his crate immediately and the first thing he did was have a very long pee on the carpet.  He was not very thirsty at all, so we figure he must have been given a drink at some point during the journey.  He did not poo in his crate, and if he peed in there at all, it was just a little one.  He was in very good spirits indeed, and was the centre of attention beside the luggage carrousel.  We could not get him on the flight to Victoria, so we took the ferry instead, which was much easier on Remy than another flight would have been.

The crate training that you did with him has been a huge help for us.  Thanks again for that!  Remy has slept by himself in the crate 2 nights without crying at all.  The first couple of nights he only cried for a short time.  He is very comfortable in his crate.  It is a good place for an afternoon nap, and to calm down when he is getting too excited.  For the most part he is incredibly calm and collected, and very confident.  He has met most of the other dogs on our street, and many of the kids' friends.  He has been down to the river, and didn't hesitate for a second when we walked with him across the suspension footbridge.  His house training is going well.  Only one accident yesterday (it was really my fault), and so far none today.

Remy and I will be going to our first puppy school class on Wednesday evening.  I think he'll be a star pupil.

If you have Canadian clients in the future, we would be happy to communicate with them if they want to ask us any questions.  We did have to pay some tax at customs, but only on the portion that exceeded our duty-free limit.

The little guy is sleeping beside me right now.  He pooped in his "spot " twice today.  I am very proud.

M and L Saunders, Vancouver, Canada, July 2009



The Devilliers family, owners of Eloise Fara and Endymion Gandulphus

The puppies are adjusting really, really well.  We are working on house breaking and crate training and they are doing fabulously.  They are really bonding well to us and it is amazing how fast they are growing.  They love the park and the large stream that runs through it.  My family has also fallen in love with them, so they are getting very spoiled.

They are really good about not bitting or jumping on us.  Endo sits when told, Eloise does sometimes.  I will work on having them sit when they are feed. 

When we first got Endo he was biting us, but he stopped after he learned that it hurt.  I was so pleased at how quickly he picked up on that.  Eloise never really bit at all!

Endo and Eloise are great!! I am definitely the talk of the Dog Park :)  The play fighting is getting better, and the house training is coming along really well.  They have been so wonderful!  We took them to the cottage this weekend for the first time, they had a fabulous time and were amazing in the boat.

I'm actually really amazed at how good they behave when they know they have to behave.  Of course, they are great all the time, but they can sense when it is time to be serious. 

Devilliers, Toronto, Canada, July 2009



GG, Georgia, USA, owners of Errol Luigi

Yes we love Luigi already.  He fits right in with our other dogs and one cat.  Right now he is not wanting to sleep with the other dogs but instead, with us.   All landed safely and without any flight problems.  I strongly would recommend Air France over Delta when shipping pups to the USA.

I will keep you posted.  Luigi is just so handsome, a very rich chocolate brown, almost auburn.

GG, Atlanta, Georgia,12 July 2009


I am in love with Luigi.  He is just a delight.  It has been very easy to house break him.  No accidents so far.  His eating is healthy.  He loves everyone.  Our two other standards are beginning to like him, it takes a while.  The cats are indifferent.  I take him to work with me for a few hours to make sure he gets totally socialized.  After lunch he plays in the creek and pool and then takes a good long nap.  What a life.  

When are you planning your next litter?  I would love to maybe have a female. You have done a fabulous job and I will spread the word. I will have Luigi professionally trained starting in two weeks.  He walks on a leash, sits, stops, waits, fetches his toy hunting bird, and mostly brings us joy. I gave him his first grooming.  A good bath that he loved and a slight trim so all the redish baby coat is gone leaving a handsome dark brown shinny coat.  I will take some photos soon and email them.

He had his first vet check up Tuesday.  Totally healthy.

Many thanks,

GG, Atlanta, Georgia, 15 July 2009


Luigi is just great.  What a happy, athletic, pup he is.  He loves everyone and every dog he meets.  He swims like a fish.  I can take him everywhere and he behaves like a grown well behaved adult dog.  People can not believe it.  He does have his wild moments around eight pm.  He is pretty much house broken having had very few accidents in the house.

We are in love!  You all have done a fabulous job raising your puppies.  Everyone asks who the breeder was.  Of course I send them to your web site. I wish you had another pup now.  Luigi needs a play mate.

GG, Atlanta, Georgia,27 July 2009


From K&C, Paris owners of Hugo (Kennel Name Eugine Vulpian)

We are calling him Hugo and it seems to suit him very well.  He is doing absolutely fantastic.  We are in amazement with what a good puppy he is.    After leaving Saint Ferriol, we got to our home at about 8:00 that evening, he was  perfect in the car, he did not make a peep and either cuddled with the kids or just slept quietly.  At our stops, he got out of the car, made his potty breaks and got right back in.  The first night, he whined and barked a good bit in the crate, so we moved it right next to our bed and he slept quietly...  With all intents and purposes, he is housebroken, which is completely amazing to us — I am really curious to know, did you work with him specifically on this or is he just a wonder puppy? 

He has been very respectful to our dog Bauer,  they got along right from the start and we see their bonding getting stronger each day.  He still has some spats with our cats, but they will get used to each other eventually.    He really has been a complete joy, when we go for walks off leash in the forest, he listens when we call him and is very friendly with any dogs he comes into contact with.   He does quite well on leash as well, he is not used to cars and motos drive quickly past, but he takes everything in stride.  This first week, he has been very attached to me but I slowly see him gaining a little independence.    His crate is quite large so we decided to keep it downstairs, he does not like to be in the crate when we are home so we have  made a little bed for him right next to our bed and he is so good, he stays in that spot and sleeps all night long until we are ready to get up in the morning.    We have even taught him to jump through a hoop already which happened really by accident, I was cleaning some of the toys in the yard and the kids had left a hula hoop, he happened to be playing with a ball, he dropped the ball and I picked it up and just placed it on the other side of the hoop and said Hugo come get the ball — at first he just walked through the hoop but after a few times he was making a beautiful leap to get his ball — he is amazing!  He is eating pretty well, he takes his time with his food which is very different from out piggy lab and frequently Hugo seems more interested in Bauer’s dinner but they are both very good about staying with their bowls. 

He is a wonderful addition to our family, from the moment that he arrived in our home, it was as if he had always lived here.  He is so affectionate and lovable and has a quiet confidence which I think comes from his first 4 months with you.  I thank you so much for all you did to nurture him, although exciting, the first weeks of having a puppy can be really difficult but honestly there  has been nothing but enjoyment since he came into our family — that is truly unbelievable — thank you so much. 

I will send pictures and keep in touch as he grows, I feel like he has already grown so much

K&C Walton, Paris, France, 20 July 2009.





Princess's first Litter, Spring 2007

Sophie writes: "We had a litter of Puppies from Princess and a very sweet tempered and handsome French Dog (Victorien). With his old fashioned lines we knew as usual that we had a very low chance of genetic problems. The whole litter was very easy from the start. One puppy only had to learn something once for the whole lot to follow suit. They were always easy to handle when out in a crowd and kept up with each other with astonishing synchronisation. Eyes all opened within 24 hours of each other. Each puppy instantly fixed me with a curious look putting my image together with the sensations and noise of their lives to date. Smart. When puppies find their feet they usually have a period of two weeks where they are hilariously funny with their sea legs. Not this lot. They had a few days of finding their gears and then were just off.

We had mostly reservations for female puppies and the litter consisted of one girl and six boys so we were obliged to meet new customers but managed to match six of the pups up to the right homes. I am not surprised by the glowing feedback that is coming from their new homes. We still have one boy at home who I am currently deliberating on whether to keep and share with a trusty collaborator or let go. In the meantime he is a pleasure to have at home and flourishing with the attention he gets from his doting granny, aunt and ma, plus me.


G&S, Maine, USA (Owners of Bisous)

Hi Sophie, Everything went very smoothly in getting Bisous home! Thanks for the translation. As it turned out, we didn't need it because our Italian landlady knew a vet who spoke some English. Alitalia was wonderful about taking care of her.

She was soooo amazing at the airport. We had 2 luggage carts - one with her crate on it and one with the luggage. She rode in the top part of the luggage cart and just sat there watching all the airport activity go past - she didn't try to jump down or fuss or anything. Here's a pic of her at the airport

We have a funny stone sculpture of an armadillo that she has adopted as a replacement brother and she cuddles up to it. We had great fun traveling with her in Italy - and we kept saying how amazing she is. I put that down to your great job in raising her and the way we were able to bond with her so young. It just seems like she trusts us and figures that if we want her to do something then it must be ok (like riding on a ferry, laying under a restaurant table, riding in the car, meeting strangers, doing "be quick" etc). It was a great vacation and loads of fun having her!! Today Bisous is learning her new home. I think she'll enjoy having some routine to her life. Right now, she's curled up at my feet after having terrorized her mop and her squeaky hedgehog.

G&S, Maine, USA, July 2007


I & S, Gers, France (Owners of Oskar)

Oskar is doing really well. He's passed the 20kg mark and has been shedding baby teeth like confetti. He is absolutely adorable and is loved by almost everyone who meets him. The lady that runs a local boarding kennel is so taken with him that she wants your details too. Could it be that your tribe will be
establishing a strong foothold (should that be pawhold) in the Gers?

Oskar has a superb temperament. He is absolutely steady and calm. He is the first dog I've had that doesn't dive for cover when there's a thunder clap overhead. Curious, I took him to a July 14th firework display - totally unphased. He also likes to play fetch and loves water. Pity I'm not a duck hunter really.

He is not aggressive towards other dogs, though some are towards him - especially Jack Russells, but it hasn't stopped him being sociable. He's also good with young children.

We are able to take him anywhere and he is well behaved, even in the butchers where he often gets a nice bone.

All this and his proud, confident carriage makes us very proud owners indeed.

Thank you again

I & S, Gers, France, July 2007


C. Canfield, USA, owner of Caius

Hi Sophie,

Happy New Year!

Things are going well with Cauis.  He has been healthy and beautiful.  He gets non-stop comments on our walks.  I still take him to work with me at the store. He is so friendly with all the customers. 

We start our next agility class at the end of the month… Cauis really enjoys the classes and learns amazingly quickly.

Behaviour has been excellent with the exception of a bad situation with the Scottish Terrier across the hall from us.  The two of them really hate each other.  The Scotty is unpopular with all the other dogs in the building, but since the two of them are both unneutered and living so close to each other, their feud is particularly vicious.  We have it under control, though.  We just keep our dogs on leashes in the public areas, and take care not to step out of the elevator before making sure the other dog is not there.

I absolutely adore Cauis.  I'm taking excellent care of him.  He's in tip top shape.  Solid muscle. 

I hope one day Cauis and I will be able to take a trip over to say hi to his kin.

C. Canfield, St Francisco, USA



Monsieur and Madame Auge, owners of Sabio (Brittany ) - March 2009











Joy's First Litter, 2006

Joy gave birth to eight puppies in 2006. They all enjoyed robust good health and joyful and affectionate natures. The following are testimonials from the homes of Joy's offspring.


Brandon McMillan USA (Professional Dog Trainer training Remy Julian) - March 2007

My experience with one of Sophie’s puppies has been remarkable. I’ve been training Remy since he was 10 weeks old and he is now 7 months old. At 14 weeks Remy was more obedient and easier to train, with even technical trains, than a lot of dogs are at 2 or 3 years old, which has something to do with my training but much more to do with the breeding of these dogs. Over the years I have trained over 30 standard poodles and I rank Remy in the top 3 of brains, physique and overall spirit of what this breed generally tends to offer.

I train both domestic and wild animals for the film and television industries. Remy is already to the point where he can do a full film or T.V. show at his age and the reason I see this is because of his work ethics and stamina during training. Remy is still in 100% work mode after I’ve trained him for our regular hour session.

I had the honor of meeting Sophie in Los Angeles and she observed me training and I think she is professionally at the top of her game as a dog breeder.

Brandon McMillan, ( See Brandon's TV show)


Ingo and Sandie (Owners of Oskar) - February 2008

Hi Sophie,

A few weeks ago an English couple were admiring Oskar at the local market and said they had recently lost one. So I told them about you.

He is superb and always gets admired wherever he goes and he's even managed to charm people who aren't really into dogs.

It's amazing to think that in a couple of weeks he will be two - well they say time flies when you're enjoying yourself and he certainly knows how to do that. He's also great with children, it's as if he knows he has to play gently. It certainly was a great decision to have him. Thank you for breeding a star.

Best regards, Ingo and Sandie


John & Tina, Owners of Zidane (March 2007)

Zidane is the most loving and lovable dog imaginable. He is intelligent and easy to train with a great sense of humour.

He is also truly beautiful. We live in a village in the south of France and every day since Zidane joined us people in the village stop us to ask about him. As I walk along all I can hear are the excited whisperings of "c’est un Caniche!" Oh adorable! (when he was smaller) and now the word on the street is "c’est magnifique!" Which of course he is! He trots at my side head held high, tail erect like an Arabian colt.

At 6 months old he travelled for 3 days down to southern Spain in the back of our car, stayed in an 8th floor apartment with rickety lift and took the Marbella esplanade by storm! A truly international "Babe magnet" as you can see from the photo below.

He loves to play with other dogs and is always friendly, when astrange dog greets him with aggression he silently and fearlessly stands his ground (even to a German Shepherd when he was 14 weeks old).

We have lived with dogs in our families all our lives but this is our very first poodle and a lot of heart searching and thought went into the decision. The main family dog was always a German Shepherd and we have had Labradors and Great Danes and various rescue dogs throughout the years.

We now spend the summer months on our boat in the Mediterranean and I wasn’t prepared to put up with the heavily moulting coat of a Shepherd again, so we began to discuss the possibility of a Standard Poodle. After 3 months debating I saw an advert in the French News and as it was the first advert I had ever seen for giant Poodles I thought it must be a sign! After meeting Sophie, Joy, Charlotte and Princess we were both converted. We both fell in love with Charlotte, Zidane's big beautiful grandmother.

He has brought great joy to our lives and he has a huge queue of volunteer dog walkers and minders waiting in the wings. All have reported him exceptionally well behaved, as indeed he is when he is taken to the local restaurants and bars along the port, where he is now very well known. He lies quietly under our table for 2/3 hours until we are ready to leave.

Definitely a Super Dog!

John & Tina, Languedoc-Roussillon, France


Sara, owner of Scooby (April 2007)

I have just had a look at your website and it reminded me I should send you some photos of our wonderful dog. It is good to read about his brothers and sisters and what they are up to,and personality traits. Scooby loves children too, when he sees them he immediately wants to go and be with them.

He will never lose some of his naughtiness but we put it down to his intelligence at getting what he wants, he knows exactly what to do to try and get us to play, and knows full well he is being naughty. He always listens to David and stops if he is told firmly to 'go to your basket!'. He sleeps in the kitchen so is not as spoiled as some of the others in that respect, but he is very happy there, and is a very good boy at night, always has been, since the day he arrived with us.

He loves his walks and will run until he drops, we have to now take a 2 litre bottle of water with us on our long walks just for him! He also loves the garden and plays ball every day without fail which he loves. He tries to get us to chase him which when a puppy we had a chance at catching him, but now he just plays with us, and trots past knowing we can't catch him. He then takes pity on us and brings us the ball!...

He is very strong and very beautiful, with a fabulous nature and what a personality! They love him at the 'poodle parlour' - he was there yesterday, and they did not want to let him go! Everyone who meets him loves him.

I lost my mother 5 weeks ago and without him I don't think I could have got through it, he has been wonderful, and knows exactly what to do to cheer me up, and also when to leave me. He is my angel.

Sara, Southern France, April 2007


Mr. R Pardo, USA, owner of Remy Julian (January 2007)

In Paris Julian got a warm welcome at the hotel. He is such a charmer. Walking with him down the Champs-Élysées is so much fun as everyone stopped to say hello to him.

He was incredible on the train ride ... no fuss or crying. We want Remy's name to evoke his amazing journey from France.

Remy Julian was a delight and Air France did a great job handling him and keeping us informed of the process including letting us know when he was on the plane and that the temparuture was set at 20 degrees C and the lights were left on. There were two other dogs near him. When we arrived in LA he was fine but had to pee as desperately as he did not go in the crate for the 11 and a half hour trip … their attitude was good and understanding of our concern about leaving little Remy alone (although the creep was happy to go with anyone who was nice to him ... which he manipulated so it was everyone). They let us wait in the ticket area until the handler came to cart him away.

He adjusted to home and our girl Asia loves him but disciplines him when necessary. He is also playing with our cat, Jezebel, like if she was a puppy and they get along well. All our family and friends love him.

He starts his training today. This guy trains for movies as well as individuals like us and was amazed at how calm, friendly and outgoing Remy is and his great personality. His first comment was that he came from an excellent poodle breeder ... but, of course, we all knew that already!

He is good with his commands but Brandon think he is so smart that he is getting bored so wants to challenge him more.

He really is a great dog. I can't tell you how happy Andrew and I are that we found you and that you have given us the opportunity to adopt such a love. Everyone that knows him falls in love with him.

(March 2007) The one thing that stands out about Remy besides his intelligence is his gentle nature with children of all ages.

(March 2009) ... Remy is still a "superstar" and just has everyone wrapped around his paws ... even strangers who just meet him.  He is really amazing. 

Mr. R Pardo
E-mail : and/or cell phone : + 1 310-600-8697


Mme Collomb-Richards, France, Owner of Louis Hilary (January 2007).

I would be delighted to say something about this amazing 5 month puppy. Not only do we adore him , but my whole view-point on dogs has changed because of him. He is intelligent, funny, naughty but all rolled into one the most adorable loving dog. As I have never had a dog in my life before this experience has literally changed my life. My husband travels around Europe, and if I hadn't decided on getting Louis then I think I probably would have gone quite loopy.


But Louis is an excellent companion whether going for a walk, or just watching television. He sleeps in his own bed at night in our room, but in the morning like clock-work, he jumps on the bed and licks both our faces as he is so happy we are awake and ready to give him all the attention he needs. He flops right next to me, resting his head on my lap. Who could resist that!

Louis is a large dog, a handsome dog and certainly an energetic dog. But apart from my husband , he is my number 2 love and I'm so glad I decided to get him when I did.

I couldn't take possession of him right away but Sophie looked after him for 3 months before I collected him. We arrived in France on December 14 and Louis landed on my doorstep on December 18. He was a big dog and I didn't know what exactly to say to him having had cats all my life. But after a few days he settled in. He never leaves my side to this day and has the most loving disposition. He's the perfect dog and breed for us. Thank you Sophie, you've done a wonderful job with my dog. I would highly recommend Sophie Duncan as a serious and superior breeder to anyone.

Mme Collomb-Richards
Chateau de Perreux
36 Rue de Poce
37530 Nazelles-Negron
Nr Amboise
Loire valley, Centre

Tel: + 33 02 47 57 41 50


Madame L. Paul, USA, owner of Charlie (January 2007)

I picked up Sophie and puppies from the airport in San Francisco. The puppies traveled together in a single crate, and after crossing the Atlantic they appeared untraumatized yet happy to be reunited with Sophie and anxious for a potty break. My 14 year old son frequently comments that Charlie is the best dog ever and he sabotages my efforts to keep him off furniture because he lets Charlie in his bed every night. He is so playful in his bouncy puppyhood and such a good natured dog everyone falls in love (even my avowed non-dog lover niece). Charlie is a bundle of energy and is already a very big boy so we are seriously committed to obedience training. He is a fast learner even at a young age and he is extremely sociable with other dogs and people, although his potty training success rate is less than stellar so far. I'm really happy that he is not an excessive chewer as I have experienced with previous puppies. So far I have not lost any shoes or furniture to the cause.

Madame L. Paul
San Francisco


LM, Germany, owner of Audrey (January 2007)

Audrey is a joy. She is funny, smart, goofy, and happy, happy, happy. Although she is good about "sit," "platz" (down), "roll over," and sometimes "stay," her always-responded to words remain "biscuit" and "bunny." (She has a small stuffed bunny from Ikea that is her favorite toy these days.)

She is perfect on the leash, and generally good off ... She enjoys a cup of tea after our Saturday walks with our friend Frances and her dachshund, GG. She makes herself at home at Frances's house as easily as she does at ours.

She remains fearless and curious — absolutely convinced that everyone we see is as eager to meet her as she is them.



DS, owner of Kobi (kennel name Magnus Jagger) February 2007

Kobi is a wonderful dog and so much fun. He adores his family and we adore him. He still has a lot of the goofy qualities of a puppy (almost 6 months now), but it's easy to see that there is a wise man waiting to come out under all of that puppiness. He has been a quick learner and very very well behaved. He just loves playing with other dogs and is as friendly with them as can be. He has turned my "I'm not a dog person" wife into a true believer. We couldn't be happier with him.

DS, San Francisco









Charlotte's Litter, 2007

The following are testimonials from the homes of Charlotte’s offspring. Those in French have been translated into English.

Charlotte gave birth to fourteen puppies on the 31st of May 2003. The 12 puppies that survived birth have enjoyed robust good health and joyful and affectionate natures.

While genetic health is a primary consideration we ensure that the puppies are fed superbly and given plenty of exercise, fun and opportunities to socialise.

Gamo, kennel nick name: Gamo, home name: Joey, destination: San Francisco, USA

This is the most wonderful, smart, affectionate dog I've ever known. People stop me constantly and tell me how beautiful he is...and how human his eyes are! I know plenty of people who would want a puppy from his lines. Thank you … he came to me. Good luck with your breeding.

?, Kennel nick name: tiny, home name: Tokaj, destination: Esperaza, France

Elle est affectueuse, peut-être trop car elle n’hesite pas sauter sur les genoux quand on est dans un fauteuil et s'y installe pour dormir. joueuse, elle nous fait des farces: enleve les chaussures des pieds des personnes qui sont a la maison et fait le tour du jardin avec; attrape les coussins sur les chaises et les transporte partout, cache les objets qu'elle aperçoit, elle sait jouer seule. Ensuite, elle est calme, reste couche sans bouger, mais nous suit partout de peur de rester seule. Elle garde bien la maison, aboie quand c'est necessaire, pas trop, assez docile mais pas tres obeissante, un peu plus avec moi. Elle a de grandes qualities, est toujours contente, aime bien les autres chiens et les chats avec qui elle joue, est tres vive. Son principal defaut est d’être très jalouse: elle ne laisse personne s'approcher de moi, dans ce cas elle grogne, montre les dents et n'hesite pas sauter sur les personnes. J'essaie de la corriger de ce defaut en l'attachant un moment avec sa chaine, j'espere que lui passera.... Elle adore la voiture. Voila ses qualities et ses defauts, mais on l'aime comme elle est et nous ne pourrions pas nous passer d'elle. J'espere que ces renseignements vous seront utiles et que tous vos chiens seront aussi gentils.

She is affectionate, perhaps too much so because she does not hesitate to jump on my knee when seated on the sofa or getting into bed. She is Joyful and plays the fool; removing the shoes of visitors and doing a lap in the garden, she takes cushions from chairs and transports them around the house and hides things she sees, she knows how to play alone...

December 2003. Tokaj is so adorable and extremely loving, he has settled in to our family so well. Sophie, Jay, Oscar (my other standard poodles) love him to bits. He has such a lovely temperament and listens to everything I say to him. Although he has only been with us for two weeks, I feel we’ve been together much longer – he’s so obedient.

February 2005. Tokaj is still a “mummy’s boy”. Everytime I sit down to watch TV he clambers up onto my lap and refuses to move. He’s rather big for my lap. He is not fat just big boned not as tall as the others be could do with another 2 inches on his legs!!! But I wouldn’t change him for the world. In fact he’s trying to get on my lap now while I’m writing…when its food time he grabs my hand in his mouth and pulls me towards his bowl to jog my memory…Tokaj is so loving and gentle – he’s a dream. He is also very good with the 3 cats we now have unlike Oscar and Sophie who believe the cats to be their next dinner.

Gama Uppsala, kennel nick name: Bonnie, home name: Chloë, destination: Bourgone region, France. Her new home neighbour Takaj

December 2003. Chloë comes along each morning and they all play for an our on our lawn – full of energy – it makes me tired just watching them! Cosette is so pleased with her. As you know they have a year old Labrador whom they adore, but they find Chloë is so much more intelligent. I think its true that once you have a standard you’ll never change to another breed. They are almost human! I went to the vets the other day for Sophie, Jay and Oscar’s annual injections (and took Tokaj along); she thought he was lovely too... As you know, Ian my husband, was an “old English sheepdog man” but as soon as I got my first standard poodle he was won over. Now we have 4 so you can see what an impression they have on him.

February 2005. Chloë is fine, she has calmed down a lot and no longer feels the need to chase cows. She goes everywhere with Cosette – she also sleeps on their bed like ours. She is a fantastic jumper and can leap their 6 foot fence to come round to visit us.

Anastasia Utica, kennel nick name: Madigesilus, home name: Madi, destination near Montpellier, southern France.

August 15th 2003. Many thanks for all the papers and information concerns Anastasia. I now call her Madi – and find her absolutely adorable – I took her to the vet yesterday to get her checked in and they were all very glad to see that I have another poodle – we also got her special duck croquettes which she seems to eat with great pleasure. She seems perfectly at home and very happy

March 2004. I owned my first standard poodle in 1965 when my husband John Skeaping introduced me to the breed. John and his former wife had been breeding standard poodles since 1941 (B.K.C Leighbridge). John was by profession a sculptor, as well as a draughtsman and painter and had a particularly good reputation for his studies of animals in motion. His bronzes, paintings and drawings of the standard poodle are in many international and French collections.

My latest standard poodle Madi (Anastasia Utica) came from Sophie Duncan’s litter with Charlotte (Canen Sioux) of 2003. She joined and rejuvenated our 12-year-old standard poodle, also a Canen, whose temperaments and comportments I know I can rely on entirely.

Madi fitted in immediately. She is well behaved with dogs, adults and children and remarkably obedient and intelligent. She has an excellent gait, walks well on the lead, has a good coat and eyes, an excellent colour and is well proportioned.

I have met several of Sophie’s puppies and have no hesitation in recommending them for their constitution, temperament and manners.

Hubert Uas, kennel nick name: Hube, home name: Hubert, destination: Spain

We have decided to stay with his name “Hubert” But he is called Ube or Bloody Nuisance! other puppy Jorge. He swam in the reservoir instantly no fear, is good on the lead and no trouble in the car and getting better at house training.

He is not keen on being left if we go and is a keen gardener.

December 2003(from Hubert). Here I am at 6 months. My name is now “Ube Stop it”. I am still gardening. Me and my friend Jorge are going to prison for three weeks while they go off to Florida.

Gabina Ure kennel nick name: Miss California home name: Terre, Destination: not far from Montpellier.

18th November 2004. Terre est une chienne qui est tres belle et nous comble de joie. Elle mange tres bien et dort avec moi….!

Terre is a very beautiful dog and showers us with joy. She eats well and sleeps with me….!

J Casimiro

1st June 2004. Aussi belle que notre terre.... Terre est une chienne racee, superbe, pleine d’affections et tres douce. Elle fait le bonheur des petits et

As beautiful as our earth [region has particularly stunning sometimes reddish soil]....Terre is finely bred, superb, full of affection and very gentle. She makes the happiness of children and adults.

J Casimiro


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